
The Most Dangerous Sports Blog……Live From The Rice Paddies

This blog is from a bunch of guys who just happen to live in Korea and didn’t know each other until a few months ago.  To pass the time in their locale near North Korea, they get together and just start talking about whatever (sports, tv, movies, stuff) .  Most conversations/emails/facebook posts usually end in two or all three of them pissing each other off and trying to be the one who says something so outrageous, so personal, so racist that they have to move on to the next topic.   This blog should be more of the same.  If you have thin skin, please don’t follow this blog.   Love us or hate us, comments are welcome.

The Mark:

The Mark is the oldest, by far, of the group.  That being said, mentally he’s not that far off from the other two.  Being born in the early 70’s, his references sometimes don’t make sense (The White Shadow, Rony Seikaly in college, chatrooms) but no one has watched more television than him.  Originally from Michigan, he’s always longed to be elsewhere.  Maybe that’s why he’s travelled so much and why he’s comfortable being in South Korea.  A little known fact about The Mark is that he chose where to go to college on how good a school’s basketball team was, finally settling on Eastern Michigan (they made the Sweet 16 in 1991).  During his tenure at EMU his love of gambling intensified and now will pretty much bet on anything.  If there are two sides, he’ll take one of them.  His favorite teams are Notre Dame football, North Carolina basketball. White Sox, Browns, AC Milan, Manchester United, and anyone playing against the Michigan Wolverines (any sport) and Detroit Lions.  One thing The Mark likes that maybe he shouldn’t publicize is his love of wrestling.  While laughable to others, he marks out for WWE and watches RAW, Smackdown and ECW every week and never misses a PPV.  Don’t talk to him about TNA because he thinks it’s garbage.  He’s a frequent contributor to the Don Tony and Kevin Castle Show podcast where he’s known as Chicago Sal.

To quote him:  “I don’t feel like hanging out at the strip club tonight, The Rock and HHH are going to be on tonight so that’ll be enough excitement for me.”

The Bearded One:

As the youngest member of the crew, he is not tied down with thoughts from the distant past.  Hailing from the Free State of Kansas, he’s a homer for the University of Kansas, the Royals and the Chiefs.  A four year stint in the state of Iowa brought the Big 10 into his specialties, although he has little respect for the conference.  One can’t accuse him of picking the band wagon teams.  Main focus being Football and Basketball intermixed with pop culture, as he might be close to current on every new sitcom, and occasionally dabbles in some reality television.  Enjoys Baseball but 162 games takes it a bit too far.

To quote him:  “Even without Mario’s miracle, KU would have won the 2008 national championship, just a year and half later, I would have loved to be at that parade.”

The Sand-Rant

The Sand-Rant was born and raised in the wonderful state of California. Ranting is her specialty and she has a habit of playing devil’s advocate.  The new youngest member of the group (sorry, Bearded Man) will love adding even more to the harassment towards Blasian (The man who wishes he got into Cal and wasn’t stuck going to USC).  Baseball is her sport, with a bit of focus on hockey and football, but maybe if the Raiders start playing well, she’ll be in a mood to write about the pigskin.  Hopefully her other teams, the Giants (second longest current streak without a World Series), Sharks (plagued in the playoffs), and Golden Bears (being ranked in the top 10 is their curse) can bring her a bit more joy.  She disagrees with the Bearded Man though, that 162 games isn’t enough, because if there were under 155 games, the Mets might not have time to blow their season.  In her spare time you can find her catching up on TV shows, adventuring South Korea, or talking shit.

  1. Kennedy Wong says:

    The free state of Kansas? Did we go back to civil war times…Do I need to be worried?!?!

  2. sittingpugs says:

    Kennedy Ivegotabig Wong is 25 yrs old and originally hails from New Jersey and holds a Ph.D. in literature from Cambridge University in the U.K. At the ripe age of 15, Kennedy graduated from his neighborhood university, Princeton with a B.S. in applied physics.

    Sweet potato fries. That’s a fine set of credentials.
    Can he juggle too?
    Write with both hands?
    Converse proficiently in sign language?
    Fold a paper crane?

    If yes to any of the above, or any variation of the above, then super cool.

  3. […] the book by H.G. Bissinger about the Perimian Panthers in Odessa, Texas during their 1988 season, The Mark’s senior year. In the book, Boobie goes out in a preseason scrimmage game and is done for the season and the team […]

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